Contact Us
The Prescot School
Knowsley Park Lane
L34 3NB
Tel: 0151 459 3580
Principal: Mr M Reynolds
Office Manager: Miss M Quinn
Acting Chair of Governors: Mr A Frith
SEND Co-ordinator (SENDCO): Mrs L Quicler
If you would like to contact us regarding any aspect of The Prescot School, please phone our main reception on 0151 459 3580 or see below for specific contact information.
Opening Hours:
Mon – Thur 8.00am – 4.00pm
Fri 8.00am – 3.30pm
Please be aware that there may be a delay in our reply during holiday times. Thank you for your patience.
Who should I contact?
- If you are a Parent/ Carer and have concerns about your child please contact them via the year group form below.
- If you are external or have a general concern please contact reception via telephone or form below.
- If you have any questions about accessibility for your child, please contact our SENDCO. If you would like to contact someone in the SEND team please contact them using the messaging service below.
- If it is to report Attendance or to speak to someone about attendance please call the school number 0151 459 3580 then press option 1.
Year 7
Year 7 Queries
Year 8
Year 8 Queries
Year 9
Year 9 Queries
Year 10
Year 10 Queries
Year 11
Year 11 Queries
SEND Queries
Queries for Reception
The Spinney Gate Feedback
To request paper copies of our policies and procedures, please contact the main office.
The Heath Family (NW) Trust
c/o Palace Fields Primary School
Badger Close