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Student Admissions

Admission Arrangements 2025-26

There are 210 places available in year 7 every September and applications are made through Knowsley Council. Details regarding their admissions arrangements can be downloaded below.

Please contact Knowsley Council directly for further information about admissions to any Knowsley school, including The Prescot School.

Knowsley School Admissions – Here you can find copies of admissions booklets as well as the admissions policies for future intake years. Details of the application processes, and In-Year forms are also available here. Admissions booklets, forms and advice are also available from the School Admissions Team (contact details below).

Knowsley Council
School Admissions
Education Improvement Team
PO Box 21
Municipal Buildings
Archway Road
L36 9YU


Primary & Secondary school admissions
0151 443 5142/5143

In Year Admissions
0151 443 3372/3373

Key Dates
31st October 2024 Forms returned to Knowsley Council.
3rd March 2025 National Offer Day – Local Authority will inform parents/carers of allocated school.
28th March 2025 4pm deadline for appeals to be made to The Prescot School. Please read notes on appealing to The Prescot School below.
For parents/carers who wish to appeal – Year 7 admissions 2025-26

Any parent(s) wishing to appeal against the academy’s decision on admissions, for any year group, should complete an admission appeal form stating the reason for the appeal, based on the published admissions criteria. You can also obtain an appeals form by contacting the academy by phone, email or in person.

The appeals will be heard, in private, by an independent appeal panel. The Clerk to the Appeal Panel will make an appointment within a reasonable time; the provisional dates have been booked to be during the months of April/May. 

Appeals may be made in English or the parents’/carers’ first language. Only one appeal per application is allowed. Appeals are conducted in person, and you may bring a friend. Appeals must be made by 15th April 2025. 

Additional supporting information

If an appellant wishes to submit further evidence, which was not included with their initial appeal, they should ensure this is received at least seven clear working days (not counting the day of postage or the hearing) in advance of your appeal.

Only a short document, such as a doctor’s letter not previously available, will be accepted up to five clear working days prior to the hearing. Any additional evidence or information received after this deadline will not be circulated and may not be considered at the hearing.

Information about the Appeal Hearing can be found in the appeal notes below.

The decision of the independent appeals panel is binding on the admissions authority and the parents. Appellants will be sent notification of their appeal hearing at least ten clear school days in advance of the hearing. Appellants will be sent a copy of the school's case at least seven clear working days in advance of the hearing.

Decision letters are sent within 5 school days of the hearing, whenever possible.

The following documentation is available for those wishing to appeal against an admissions decision: