Learning Portals and School Services
Student Email and Office 365 Access for all year groups:
All students across every year group now have an active school email address and with it access to office 365, which you can find via the ‘Services’ tab on the school website.
Your child’s email address is their in school username with @prescotschool.org.uk attached to the end. For Example: Joe Contosso would be 8210Contosso@prescotschool.org.uk
Passwords are students’ normal logon password that they use in school.
Please note: the email address can contain no spaces or punctuation. Spaces and punctuation have been removed. At present we are unable to change passwords remotely.
How to access Office 365
Outlook first use for Students
Using Office 365 online to open documents from Classcharts:
- If you click on the downloaded file at the bottom of the browser, the computer will try and open it using installed software.
- A lot of new windows 10 laptops come with office trial installed from new. As such it will come up saying this needs to be licensed.
- The school License provided to students only covers online use and/or mobile apps.
- To use the O365 provided by the school you need to open O365 in the browser and then the required app (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher). Then in the online app choose file open and navigate to the folder where the browser downloaded the document (Usually the default location is Downloads, unless you have changed it.)
- Select the file you want and click open. If you need to edit the document to submit it, then click on the enable editing button that will be showing in a yellowish bar under the menu ribbon.